November 22, 2019
Sales tend to be a bit slower for the few weeks after Thanksgiving. This provides you with the perfect opportunity to schedule time to clean. Break down your tables and displays, and tackle some deep cleaning before the Christmas holiday rush starts.
- Change Table Dressings: If you use black matting or some other material underneath your product to protect your tables, now is a good time to change that out. Chances are you have a few sweet potatoes, butternuts, or onions that have broken down and left a little mess. Pull apart the display to clean, sweep, and change the out the old table dressing to prevent unpleasant odors and flying visitors.
- Sweep Under Tables: Don’t forget to sweep under dry tables for produce that may have dropped. This space often gets neglected because it is not as readily visible.
- Clean the Cold Case: Although we tend to focus on the wet rack for daily cleaning, sometimes the dry areas get a little less attention because they are not generally as messy. Over time, the case gets covered with stray green beans and cranberries and overloaded with mushrooms, which means lots and lots of spores. The dry cold case could definitely use a good vacuuming and a wipe down on the inside of the case.
- Clean the Cooler: Hopefully, cleaning the cooler is part of your routine when receiving a new load. But it’s especially a good idea to do a thorough deep clean after having your cooler and backroom stuffed with product to get you through Thanksgiving. Move your racks around and scrub the floors. Rent a power washer and clean the racks. Racks in the cooler can get dirty over time and a power washer can make them like new again.
These are just a few important cleaning tasks you and your crew can take on between the holidays. Use the slow time to make your department shine!