Apple Farm
Philo, California Apple Farm is family-owned and operated by Tim and Karen Bates and their daughters Sophia, Polly and Rita. The Apple Farm is a historic 32-acre orchard that sits at the bottom of the Navarro River in Mendocino County. They have 1,500 apple trees that range from one to more than 100 years old.
The Bates family purchased the orchard in 1984 and has worked to make it a place where people, plants, and animals can live and thrive together. In addition to being certified organic, the Apple Farm is certified Biodynamic– an approach that looks at the farm as a complete organism and emphasizes natural rhythms and cycles. A variety of local horse and cow manures, composts, and cover crops help keep the soil strong and healthy. Younger trees are mulched with chipped apple wood to protect health, growth and to help retain water.
The Bates’ also have cottages on the premises that allow guests to stay the weekend, experience the farm, and take cooking classes. Nothing stays still on The Apple Farm and the Bates continue to keep improving on what they’ve created. They enjoy sharing their lives with the guests who come through.
Apple, Asian Pear, Pear, Persimmon, Plum, Quince