Managing Your Expectations in the Face of Climate Change

While farmers are accustomed to being at the whim of Mother Nature, the recent intensity and extremity of weather patterns have signaled long-term shifts in growing conditions. We want to highlight the need for increased awareness and flexibility regarding produce quality, grades, and standards. 

The fresh produce industry around the world is experiencing the tangible effects of climate change. In regions like California, recent weather patterns have brought about unseasonably high rainfall, which goes beyond typical seasonal fluctuations. 

Environmental challenges affect the cosmetic appearance of fruits. For example, insects called thrips, which leave an external mark on citrus fruits, became more prevalent this season, producing more fruit with scars and blemishes. 

One of our growers, Jose Fu from CCH Citrus in Southern California said, “Last year’s wet season in California brought with it not just a change in the size and quality of the citrus we grow but also heightened the battle with pests and diseases, including invasive species like fruit fly populations.”   

Educate yourself, your produce team and your customers to the benefits of adapting to these new challenges in agriculture, a direct result of climate change. All communities in the supply chain benefit from accommodating ‘Choice’ grade fruit, which, despite its light scars, is equally nutritious and flavorful.  

For example, selecting Choice grade grapefruit instead of (or in addition to) Fancy grade, can have a huge positive impact on a farm, and add value for your business.  Reframing our approach to produce quality standards can ensure that no food is wasted, and together we seize every opportunity to nourish our communities. 


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